Sunday, June 7, 2009

Learning Objective-C Begins

So I've primarily been a Java and Web Application Developer for the past ten years. Seeing how it was always easy to find new technologies/strategies/methodologies to learn in the Java world, I never gave serious thoughts on trying to focus on other languages. I still think I could work in Java for the next 10 years and still not get bored or run out of things to learn.

However the realities of my situation have motivated me to at least explore learning Objective-C and developing something for the Apple platforms.
  1. I own a very powerful Mac Pro and an IPod Touch. I love them both and don't see me switching to a Windows or any other OS ever again. Aside from my day to day hacking, I seem to be squandering an opportunity to really make use of this hardware at my disposal.
  2. I am currently not employed. Most likely I have the entire summer to try anything else other than what an employer needs from me.
So I've waded into the shallow end and it is not bad at all. First up were the Coding in Objective-C screencasts by Bill Dudney over at Pragmatic Bookshelf. Bill does a good job with these and I breezed through without any problem. Next I picked up Programming in Objective-C 2.0 by Stephan Kochan. It's always nice to have a reference like this on hand in hard copy. I've gone through the first couple chapters and the book is showing me exactly what I need to know.

First impressions are Objective-C is not that difficult to get started in. I am really impressed with the power of Apple's XCode IDE as well. I regret not making the time to start playing with it sooner. This looks like it is going to be fun.

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